FreeNAS – Automatic Config Backups
How to configure FreeNAS with automatic config backups and a retention policy.
How to configure FreeNAS with automatic config backups and a retention policy.
My current favorite wireless access point until pfSense gets the much needed wireless support.
So, I am trying to restore a Newznab installation by importing in all my NZBs from my previous installation. Except during the import, all your NZBs need to be unzipped/decompressed and not in a ".nzb.gz" format. Well I needed to figure out a way to unzip the compressed NZBs into their existing directories and also removing the original compressed NZB (mainly, to save hard drive space). Thankfully after a little research I was able to put together the following command that would accomplish this.
I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to get Newznab behind a Apache reverse proxy. Unlike SABnzbd, Sickbeard, CouchPotato and Headphones there was no web_root, url_base or http_root for Newznab to use with a reverse proxy. Just with my luck too, there is very little documentation available online on this subject.
Today I was trying to install Oracle Java 7 (aka 1.7) on a Ubuntu Server 12.10 and was greeted by this lovely error, admin@ubuntuserver:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found
The following script can be used to uninstall all versions [...]
Had one of those brain fart moments where I needed to delete a directory with all it's contents and couldn't for the life of me remember the command.
Ran across this problem/feature "The following packages have been kept [...]
If you have every had a server online for some [...]
For those Debian / Ubuntu fans out there that need [...]